Alpesh is one of the most successful investor and entrepreneur mentors in the world. Pursuing a mission to teach people to make money to solve big world problems.
Over 300m see his BBC Paper Review. Find out why he is flown globally to speak to thousands of people annually. Portfolio includes Rothschilds, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Barclays, Lloyds, UK Government, Oxford University, Merrill Lynch HSBC, American Express, Goldman Sachs.
A professionally trained world-class global speaker/host, TV presenter.
CEO in Asset Management. International Bestselling Author. Financial Times and Bloomberg TV Alumnus, former Visiting Fellow in Business, Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, BBC Paper Reviewer. UK Government Dealmaker, Department for International Trade. Barrister. Co-founder, UK Chapter of the World's Largest Entrepreneurs Mentoring Organisation (TiE.org). OBE for services to the Economy and International Trade.